5 signs to tell you it’s time to rebrand


The word ‘rebrand’ has been a bit of a buzzword in our vocabulary over the last year. Not only do we rebrand often for our clients, but we also recently embarked on a massive rebrand for ourselves too! We’re talking new strategy, website, visual identity, copy , photography, imagery, values - the whole shabang. 

Before our rebrand we still had interesting, new clients coming in, we were in a productive workflow, we had great team synergy and  lots of people telling us how much they loved our brand… but something still didn't feel quite right.

So when all of the signs are pointing in one direction but you're still left with a little doubt, how do you know whether a rebrand is the right decision for you?

SIGN #1: Your brand doesn’t represent you anymore.
If you feel like you’re not making an impact, that your brand has become a  little bit stale, you don’t feel connected to your business, or you feel like people don't really understand who you are, it’s likely that you’re branding does not represent who you are and what you want your business to be! A rebrand might be the reset that you need to come back to who you are and what your business has become. Knowing when to rebrand your business can be as easy as realising you’ve outgrown your brand.

SIGN #2: When your business model or strategy changes.
As your resident brand strategists over here, you already KNOW that we had to mention the strategy side of a rebrand. The only reason that we knew that we were ready for our rebrand is because we took a look at our (then-current) strategy and realised that we didn’t align with all of it anymore.. Your strategy should give you clarity, direction and the resources to achieve all of those wants, wishes, desires and business goals that you've always dreamed about- and if it’s relating to an outdated version that doesn't spark joy? Then it’s time to Marie Kondo your biz to make a strategy that can fulfill all your new wishes, hopes and dreams. (And it will feel SO damn good- trust us.)

SIGN #3: You’re failing to differentiate yourself from your competitors. 
At the end of the day, branding is all about differentiation - standing out from the sea of sameness if you will 😉.  But you’d be surprised how many businesses are unable to communicate, or even identify, their key differentiators. So do some market research, have a look at your direct and indirect competitors and with an objective point of view, ask yourself, why would someone choose you over them? If you can’t answer that, then ding ding ding! 🚨 The sound of our rebrand radar is going off! 🚨

SIGN #4: When you’re not connecting with the type of people that you want to be connecting with. 
If you feel like you're not hitting your target market and working with people that you imagined yourself to be working with, or perhaps you’re just not gelling with your current audience...it might be time to rebrand. 

We get that change is scary. And the thought of doing a rebrand brings up so many doubts about what your current audience will think about this change. Questions like “how will my current audience react? Will they like this? They're already with me now so why should I change? What if they don't like the new me? Will I be disappointing current customers or putting off potential new ones?”-- and we’re going to stop you right there. 

Firstly, because your audience is with you for you. And they want to see a genuine and authentic version of your brand- not someone trying to be something they're not. And secondly, if you lose interest from some people- then you’ve either done your job (Hooray!) or they've outgrown your services which is okay (or maybe it was you who outgrew them)!

This is not to say that we should be leaving your current audience in the dust, but more often than not, they'll be excited to embark on this journey with you. If they’re not? You'll be narrowing your niche and growing a community of interested, dedicated and supportive people. And that, my friends, is who you want to have in your corner.

SIGN #5: When you just aren’t feeling it.
The final sign of when to rebrand your business is really just a gut feeling. If you have that inkling in your stomach that something isn't sitting quite right with you, then lean into that, explore it more and see where that takes you! You're the master of this journey and it's going to be one hell of a ride, but when you come out on that other side with a brand that feels 100% true to your vision, purpose and goals, ohhh boy does it feel amazing. 


The humble learnings of an intern as she navigates a career side-step


Marketing doesn’t have to be so scary...