5 ways to gas yourself up, speak with conviction and finally feel like you know your shit


Feeling like you lack a bit (or a whole lot) of confidence in your career? Fret not, you’re not alone, in fact, SO many people are still there! Whether it’s your first job, your new job, or just a phase you're going through, don’t worry - we’ve all been there!

A lack of confidence can be tied to so much. Imposter syndrome, nervousness, being too agreeable, childhood stuff, being shy or just straight up lacking confidence. While there is no size fits all solution, we think everyone should back themselves, and feel amazing doing so. Here are some tips to get you back on the road to feeling like yourself. 

Find your voice (for the first time, or the second, third…fourth?)

Where did it go? Your ability to speak up and actually say what you mean. Was it even there in the first place? Well, who knows, but it’s certainly hiding in there somewhere. 

In a work meeting and have an idea but are too nervous to bring it up? Disagree with something someone said but are scared to voice it? Sound familiar? It’s tough. But locating your voice (you know, the sound that comes from your mouth?) is essential to building your confidence, in all situations, but certainly in work situations. 

Much to everyone’s despair, there’s no quick fix for this one. SO, here are some tips to gradually find your voice…

  • Breathe deeply, think about what you’d like to say, and let the words flow.

  • It might be awkward, your voice might shake a lil’ bit, but the thing is, people don’t notice this as much as we think. And, if they do, who said a little human vulnerability wasn’t endearing? 

  • Exposure therapy. Expose yourself to these situations, speak up. There may be some hiccups on the way, but, before you know it, you’ll be a natural.


Do you cringe at the idea of speaking to yourself in the mirror? Filming yourself speaking, or even worse - speaking affirmations in the mirror? Good, this means we’re reaching the right people. All this means is that you’ve got work to do!

If you aren’t going to gas yourself up, who will? Perhaps friends, partners or family give you a compliment every now and then, but do you really believe them when they do? Do you find it actually sinks into your being, and you begin to believe it? If you suffer from a lack of confidence, probably not. So, it all begins (and ends) with you. 

  • Big meeting or presentation at work? Practice. Film yourself, perform it in front of your housemates - whatever, promise - it helps.

  • Whether you dismiss affirmations as rubbish or not, it doesn’t matter. Try it out.

  • Speak to yourself kindly every day, write down what you like about yourself every day, and vocalise your goals and how you’re going to smash them in the mirror every day. Do it for 30 days and see how much of a difference you feel.

Back yourself

Now that you’ve got some handy tips under your belt, all that’s left to do is approach every situation with kindness and a sense of meaningfulness towards the people around you, and yourself. Do this, and we think you’re good to go. Putting all of this into practice means that you’ll be able to confidently back yourself and speak with conviction in any situation where you feel your confidence dwindling. Of course, it is also super important to remember to be open to alternative perspectives and validate them if they are right. Remember, you may not always be right, and you should own that and make space for it.

So, in conclusion…be patient with yourself. Like most good things, this isn’t gonna happen overnight. It’s a journey, you’ll learn A LOT, so be receptive to the lessons you learn along the way, and put them into practice. Enjoy your path to confidence, finding your voice…whatever you wanna call it. Extract the lessons and feedback, and remember to stay positive!


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