Lessons we’ve learnt in running a creative marketing agency in Melbourne


If you’ve ever Googled the words ‘creative marketing agency Melbourne’ then you may have a slight idea of just how many of us there are. Of course, every business, no matter what industry has its niche services, personality, and all the rest of it, but it certainly can pose the question; how can one stand out in all this amazing competition? We’ve learnt quite a few things over the past 8 years in running Inka, and lucky for you a lot of them centre around standing out from the sea of sameness, as well as a whole heap more. So, scroll on to read our top tips!

1.Lean into your uniqueness in order to stand out

Being a creative marketing agency in Melbourne, that specialises in getting businesses up and running and rebranding, we know what sets businesses apart, and what can make them stand out. If you’re new to the biz world, or are just ready for a shake-up, make sure you have a clear and intentional purpose.  Think about…

  • What possible gaps in the current market are you looking to close? 

  • What are the issues you’re trying to solve for your customers? 

  • Are you going to specialise in something very unique and specific? 

  • Are you open to your business model changing as you evolve? 

  • Are you going to be an owner-operator with room to grow or do you want to hire people straight away? 

2. Have a clear and strong foundation, no matter what stage you’re in

Ensure that you have a clear strategy for your brand, not just a business plan. This will help you with your brand foundations and ensure you have a very clear point of difference. This will help you find and step into your unique place in the market. Remember that your uniqueness should shine through your brand personality, as well as every aspect of your biz. We’re talking about your visuals, the words you use, your website design and even your printed collateral and signage should be dripping with the essence of your brand personality. If you’ve already got an established business, consider rebuilding your foundations from time to time to stay relevant.

3. Slow is okay, even good

Having the guts to run a business in the first place is amazing. We applaud anyone who is even thinking about it. But, it’s important to remember, unless you’re extremely lucky - businesses usually grow slowly. This is completely normal, and in fact, can even be beneficial for you and your business. Having this extra time allows you to see how the market responds to you and collect feedback, meaning you can make changes to your offering for the better as you go.

4. Don’t be afraid of change, be flexible

If you’re just starting up, or rebranding - be prepared to adjust and make some changes along the way. Seems scary, right? Well, much like anything, your business will chop and change over time, sometimes accidentally, or sometimes intentionally. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing, it just means you are adaptable which might just end up benefiting you, your staff and your customers even more than before.

5. Planning is fun and crucial to success but worrying about the future isn’t all that necessary 

One thing we’ve learned from running a creative marketing agency is that sometimes, you don’t know what the future will look like.  The beauty of being a business owner is that you can make choices and change your biz intuitively (within reason.) So whilst it is essential to have a succinct direction, that direction will evolve over the years and one day - you’ll take a step back and realise where the journey has taken you and just how darn much you’ve achieved. 👏🏻


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