3 Reasons Why Email Marketing Is Integral To Your Brand


‘Email marketing is dead’ - a phrase that we’ve heard far too many times for our liking and one that gives marketing agencies all across the globe nightmares.

We’re here to set the record straight. Email marketing isn’t dead, nor is it likely to die anytime soon. In fact, quite the opposite. Email marketing is integral to your brand’s success and as such, should be the cornerstone of your digital marketing strategy.

Not convinced? Here are our top three reasons why your brand needs email marketing like Tom needs Jerry.

  1. Let’s start off with the stats

    Let’s start off with the stats. Did you know that people prefer to receive promotional content over email a whole lot more than they do over social media? By a whole 72% more in fact, compared to social media’s 17%. Did you also know that your audience is 5x more likely to view your content via email rather than Facebook? With this preference for email content, it’s no wonder that email marketing has the highest sales conversion rate (over 65%) in comparison to other forms of promotional marketing (including social media). * And we agree with the people. There’s something about opening a juicy, content rich email written just for us that makes us want to convert. When we jump onto our emails, we’re in an action mindset. Whereas on social media we’re there to scroll and entertain ourselves, buying is an afterthought. With emails, we’re specifically there to look, to read and to click through to the things that interest us. We’re there to convert.

    *All statistics from Campaign Monitor.

  2. To interact with the most engaged members of your audience

    When someone subscribes to your mailing list, they’re basically saying ‘I like your brand, please tell me more’. Why is this important for your marketing? Because not only does it provide you with a list of highly engaged contacts, but it allows you to specifically target those people who are more likely to convert and buy your product/use your service. They’re already halfway there once they’ve signed up to your mailing list. Now it’s up to you to continue sharing your brand with them, answering their needs and positioning your service or product as a must have.

  3. To own your own data

    Perhaps the most important reason of all. We live in a virtual world and the bulk of our digital attention often goes towards building our social media platforms. Whilst social media is an incredibly powerful tool for a multitude of reasons, there’s a lot of danger in putting all of your eggs in one basket, so to speak. Why? Because you can never truly own your followers on Instagram or your subscribers on YouTube. But you know what you can own? Your email database. So make sure you future-proof your business and convert your followers onto a mailing list or database that you own. Once you’ve got your audience to join your mailing list, you have them for life…or at least until they decide to upgrade from ‘JessLovesJustinBieber92@hotmail.com’ to ‘jess92@gmail.com’.

So there you have it. Email marketing is alive and well and undeniably valuable to your brand and business.


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