10 Things to Inspire Great Email Marketing Campaigns

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We’ve popped together a list of questions and advice that’ll get your creative email juices flowing. It’s 10 things that’ll inspire you to think a little harder about your current email marketing campaigns and hopefully help you up the ante when it comes to sending EDMs. Without further ado...

  1. Make sure you have an automated welcome email that is on brand and lets your subscribers know what they can expect from you. This may be one of the first touch points your audience has with your brand, so it’s important to make sure it’s a good one.

  2. Your emails are a representation of your business. Are they ‘on brand’, do they match your tone of voice, are they in line with your social media and website? 

  3. Is your email valuable to your audience? Are you giving them something that is relevant to them and that they can use, whether that be advice, inspiration, an offer, or tips and tricks. If it isn’t adding value to their lives, don’t send it.

  4. Never stop testing.  A/B testing is the best way to figure out what works and what doesn’t. Never heard of this fancy digi term? Don’t worry, A/B testing simply means testing different variations of something on the same audience. For example, if you had 5,000 subscribers, you could A/B test by sending 1,000 of them one email, then sending another 1,000 the same email, but with a different subject line or different imagery. Then you see which one performs best, and send the best performing email to the rest of your mailing list.

  5. Your subject line is everything. Make sure you use it well. A key spot where you can use A/B testing - try out different subject lines and see which ones receive the most opens.

  6. Segment your subscribers. It’ll help you learn more about your audience and create more personalised, targeted EDMs. Which brings us to our next point.

  7. Personalise your content. For example, people in your audience living in Brisbane probably won’t need a big heavy coat. Or a B2B business doesn’t need the same information as a B2C business. Think about your content and personalise it for the people that it’s going to. 

  8. Optimise your emails and not just by compressing your images. Look at your analytics and figure out what links get a good clickthrough rate or which content your audience is loving most, then incorporate those things that are performing well into your emails.

  9. Don’t be afraid to send lots of emails. People signed up to your mailing list for a reason, they want to hear from you. And if they don’t, they can always unsubscribe. Which leads me to my next point. 

  10. It’s okay if people unsubscribe. Think of it as a positive. You’re weeding out the people who aren’t interested in your offering, and can spend more time focusing on the people who are. It also decreases the likelihood that your emails will end up in someone’s spam folder!

Did we get you thinking about all the ways you can up your EDM game? Yay! Now go forth and get emailing.




The importance of humanising your brand online