Creative agency from a Creative Agency.

Illustration by Janice Chang.

Illustration by Janice Chang.

Struggling to find your creative flow during lockdown? 

Staring at the same walls everyday not sparking any revelations? – don’t worry, we get it.

The novelty of having “all the time in the world” to do things which once sparked inspiration in the initial stages of lockdown, have well and truly worn off. But who’s to say that you can’t bring back that creative fire that was once in your belly! Here are some of our team’s fave tips and tricks for rediscovering your creative drive, in a time when you might not be feeling creatively inclined. 


Think of your creativity as a muscle, and, like any muscle, it needs exercise- so work it baby! Why not try making a habit out of it and schedule "10 minutes of creativity" into your calendar, trying a different exercise each day. You can craft, bake, draw, sculpt your way into being the most creative, creative that you can be and who knows - this might spark inspiration in other ways that might not have been possible without stepping outside of your creative comfort zone.


Living in a world with ubiquitous technology, sometimes we need to remind ourselves to flick that off switch. Our poor brains weren’t made for this way of processing information, which means that sometimes we need to take a minute away from the screens to get back in to a healthy state of mind. Getting outside not only lowers stress, blood pressure and heart rate, (thank you!) but it can also help us be more open to creativity and problem solving – WIN-WIN. So disconnect from your inside self and just take the time to be immersed in the outside world. Engage in a sense of wonder within yourself, your neighbours, and the nature around you. Smile from behind your mask as you pass strangers, pick flowers from the overhanging bushes, let the sun kiss your skin on those beautiful spring days and breath it alllll in. 


Talk to other people freely and randomly. This one is something that we’re really good at at Inka! Working collaboratively and talking out our ideas is something that we rely on to get those creative juices flowing. Collaboration is the backbone of all our creative projects. Sometimes even the most unexpected person (such as your partner at home 😉) might have a little gold nugget waiting for you! 


Being able to fail is a big part of any creative journey. No one is good on their first go, so being able to deal with failure, and learn from mistakes is an important part of the process. Don't shy away from the obstacles, look back on your mistakes and become friends with failure. 🤝


Instead of forcing the very last of your creative juices to flow out of you, give yourself a rest so they can naturally ooze out of you when the time is right! Although it might sound counterproductive, forced creativity doesn't alway equal good creativity. Sometimes this might even mean physically taking a step back, waiting for your motivation to kick back in, and let yourself crave the creative process again. 


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