Why fake it ‘til you make it isn’t always the way when it comes to marketing


Well well well, the all too common saying of ‘fake it ‘til you make it’ has hit a head. No longer do people want to be showered with what life would be like if they were a billionaire living on a yacht. Now, people want to know how they can live life as exuberantly as someone who was, say, living on said yacht, but, with the transparency of the seasickness and the hideous life jacket. 

When I was asked to write this blog, I was rather skeptical, how could I have anything to say that anyone actually wanted to hear? And then it clicked, that’s the thing -  I’m not going to fake it and pretend I have all the answers, I am going to be REAL. 


The concept of being real seems rather simple, but it holds so much importance for a brand, boosting the ability for a brand and their audience to really connect and engage. Below are just a few of the (many!) reasons the marketing world should pivot their focus towards relatable and authentic content…

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Honesty is the best currency 

Being real gives everyone a far greater insight into what your brand has to offer than any expensive and over produced ad campaign will. Young consumers are constantly reverting to ‘organic’ content as opposed to content that is polished to an inch of its life. People now want to know how they can get the most out of what they have without having to pretend they have it all, not only is honesty the best policy, honesty is the best currency. This is because consumers get far more out of seeing a product for what it really is rather than what it could be. 

It’s about attracting the RIGHT followers not the MOST followers 

If you’re marketing a product to please the likes of Kim Kardashian, your best friend’s Dad and also Susan from down the street, you aren’t doing it right. Be realistic. A product that works for one won’t work for all. Target the right people, the right fit for the product and the brand. There is zero to gain from having a bunch of followers who will never purchase your service, and far more to gain from having a niche market of followers who love and advocate for your work. Being realistic and not trying to please everyone adds authenticity to what you do, after all you don’t have to be loved by everyone to be successful. 

Your audience want to know who YOU are 

Yes, your audience may love your product, but to really advocate for it and promote it they need to LOVE your brand. So tell them who YOU are... the ins and outs, the values, the beliefs, the purpose of the brands sheer existence. Knowing this information will make the brand tangible and encourage people to fall in love with not just the product you are trying to sell them, but the overall roots and crux of the entire business. Be real with them, they want to get to know you for who you really are.      

‘Fake it till you make it’, your time in the sun has come to an end. Now, let’s jump on that yacht, buckle up our life jacket and pop that anti nausea tablet as we sail off into a world filled with realness and authenticity.    

This post was written by Inka Intern Millie as part of our 12 week Intern Program. If you're interested in interning with us, keep an eye out for announcements on our social channels to be the first to know.


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