A new perspective on existing potential.

Acutus solves complicated business problems with purposeful and flexible solutions. Working with large, multinational businesses across construction, agriculture, retail, health, energy, transport, finance, technology and more - Acutus offers high-level consulting that intends to stray away from the conventionalism that is often present in such industries (a very welcome approach, we think.)

Kevin and Darren, Acutus ’amazing founders, understand that like most things - no solution adheres to a one size fits all paradigm, nor are problems ever black and white. Acutus collaborates with clients to understand these shades of grey, using and applying their knowledge and experience to develop bespoke solutions, which in turn, creates an in-depth strategy that can be applied to improve the overall workings of business. How good is that?


What We Did

Brand Exploration

LinkedIn Strategy




Their goals?

  • Build trust within their network and audience

  • Clearly communicate their service and points of difference

  • Create visual branding that reflected their personality and purpose

Enter Inka

We love a bit of problem-solving ourselves here at Inka, and it’s pretty special when we come together with like-minded brands to flesh out the most effective ways to communicate their purpose with their audience.

Kevin and Darren came to Inka knowing wholeheartedly what their mission was - to tackle complex issues with flexible solutions across a vast range of industries. Though they were clear on this, our goal was to work together to find a way to communicate this point of difference clearly and fluidly to their targeted audience, whilst fostering a sense of deep trust between the firm and this audience.  We wanted their mission and point of difference to be crystal clear and for their networks to quickly and easily understand the service that Acutus provide. 


What happened next?

Through the process of our famous Brand Exploration, we uncovered Acutus’ essence, values, purpose and points of difference - allowing us to move forward with a holistic strategy that informed their branding, website and social strategy - all the while making sure they were to stand out from the crowd.  We needed to provide Kevin and Darren with everything that they required to feel confident enough to launch their firm - and we reckon we did just that.

Following on from our Brand Exploration, we set Acutus up with a strong LinkedIn strategy. This helped in laying down the foundations that would ensure the firm could effectively speak on a platform that their audience use widely and achieve their intended goals, authentically and organically.

We then pulled everything that we had learned and discovered together to create branding and collateral design that truly reflected Acutus’ brand personality - professional, trustworthy and solution-focused. This, along with a photoshoot, meant that we had everything we needed to design and construct a stunning website for Acutus which communicated their complex offering in an easily digestible way. And finally, without further ado, Kevin and Darren were ready to launch their new firm into the world!

“Working with Inka was a great experience for us – Sara and the team brought our branding, vision and values to life. Their creative process was open and collaborative and we love the results in our brand and how they captured our vision and values”

— Darren McGowan, Acutus



Kirsten Jackson