5 Lessons Uni Couldn’t Teach Me


My first day at Inka HQ. Opening the door, I step inside and am immediately greeted by the sound of inspired voices, the busy tip-tapping of keyboards and feet upon the hardwood floor as colleagues weave between one another’s desks – the office alive with collaborative and creative energy. Walking up the stairs into the office space I am greeted by a light-filled room complete with neatly lined desks and just the right amount of indoor greenery. I sit down at my desk, excited to start my first day…

I always worked hard at university - I knew the more I was able to take in, the more prepared I would be when I entered the workforce. So after graduation I was thrilled to be accepted into the Inka Intern Program, eager to put my education into practise. I knew the transition from classroom to workplace wouldn’t necessarily be easy, but what I didn’t realise was how much I was about to learn. As it turns out, no matter how hard you try, there are some things university just can’t teach you. 

Here are 5 lessons I’ve learnt in the workplace that university couldn’t teach me… 

It’s ok to make mistakes 

Your first job is all about trying out new things and taking measured risks - sometimes this is going to see you making mistakes. If you were to avoid every potential failure you wouldn’t ever develop or learn. Each small fault you make represents something new you’ve attempted, something new you’ve learnt and a level of growth or development you’ve achieved.



It’s so easy to forget that everyone is learning, no matter what stage they’re up to in their career. I know I personally want to continue to grow and develop in my field, to become better and more competent as I gain experience. For some reason though, I never considered this development as a form of learning - up until now.


Just do it

University is all about tip toeing around the edge of a concept, before slowly wading deeper and deeper as you become more confident. This is a great way to start your education but in order to really fast track your knowledge, the best technique is to throw yourself in the deep end. Luckily the workplace does just this – meeting with clients, attending photoshoots and writing endless copy - before you know it you’ll be treading water like a pro, maybe even swimming laps!

Believe it till you can be it

What I love about this saying, is that it’s pretty much just asking you to have a little faith in yourself. It’s encouraging you to acknowledge your insecurities but to do it anyway.  

It can be daunting entering a new workplace, but the good news is you’ve already made it this far. At this point you can’t change what you know or how experienced you are, all you can control is whether you take that next step or not - move forward or remain stagnant. 

More likely than not, your employer has realistic expectations based on your previous experience and education anyway, so before you know it you’ll be feeling right at home. 

Collaboration is your new best friend

No matter how many group projects you’ve completed during your uni years, nothing quite prepares you for the collaborative environment of the workplace – and this isn’t a bad thing! I’ve grown to love collaboration during my time at Inka Creative but when I first entered the office it was something that took me a little off guard. Was my work not good enough? Was this a form of criticism? The simple answer is no.

Now I am able to see collaboration for the powerful tool that it is – a tool that allows alternative ideas from multiple creative minds to come together as one, combining these to create the best possible outcome. Collaboration has the ability to make good work, great and great work, exceptional.


Your work team is everything

And finally, my favourite lesson of all. You think you know this one before entering the workforce, but there really is no way to fully comprehend the importance of your team until you’ve experienced it first-hand.

Your work team and the people you’re surrounded by at work are everything – and Inka Creative is the perfect place to learn this lesson. Support, kindness, collaboration and encouragement are so important in any workplace, whether you’re starting out or are well along in your career journey.


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