How To Know When To Say No… And When To Say Yes!

Dream situation. You’ve been working on your brand, building your awareness and memorability with your target audience and it’s paying off because people are starting to notice you. Other brands want to work with you, people want to tap into your expertise and you’re getting invites to be a part of exciting projects. There are opportunities left, right and centre.

Amazing. This is what you’ve been reaching towards - creating a brand that is memorable, recognisable  and has a great reputation. But you -  little old you - only have a certain number of hours in your day and so much you can give, and when there are shiny ideas being presented to you from all sides, it can feel like you need to make the most of them all. 

Girl in funky purple outfit, standing against dark blue backdrop with graphic text saying 'NO.' behind her.

When there are so many opportunities out there - amazing people to work with, interesting projects to be a part of - how do you decide where to direct your energy and avoid the burn-out that comes with having your mind and time spread across too many things?

This is where you have to get strategic. Look at new opportunities in the scope of all of your work and time, how they align with your values and your goals and whether the space you need to give them is going to be worthwhile for you.

Ok, we know that sounds big, so we’ve put together some questions to help you balance up all of the factors and decide what is going to be the best direction for you, your brand and your business. 


Ask yourself these questions:

  • Does this brand/person share my values?

  • Does this opportunity speak to my purpose?

  • Will this help me reach my goals?

  • Do I have the physical, mental and emotional space to do this right now?

  • Will this bring me energy?

  • Will this be powerful for my brand?

  • If I do this, what needs to move to make room? 

  • Are there other things I need to focus on right now or does this feel like an opportunity I can’t miss?

  • Does this need to happen now or can I look at doing it at a better time for me?

  • Am I doing this for me and my brand or someone else? Does it feel good to do it for them?

If you get to the end of these questions and your head AND heart are telling you yes, then go forth, jump in and make the most of that new opportunity.

And if you get through the questions and you hear that voice inside you saying ‘Hmm maybe not this time’ or even scream ‘NO’? Then power to you! Right now you need to focus elsewhere and this isn’t it for you right now.


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